
These are things I tend to turn to help guide me through things.

💭 Don’t Be Afraid To Dream

Things don’t always need to be completely thought out or backed by validation. Dreaming not only unlocks ideas but helps take you to new and exciting places.

🗻 There is no “top of the mountain”

Things will never be “perfect.” Be ok with climbing the mountain to never reach the top and know that it only makes you stronger.

📖 Constantly Learn

The greatest tool for yourself is knowledge. Learn from everything. Read, watch, study, engage with, ask questions, do whatever it takes to learn from the people and things around you.

👂 Listen, Listen and Listen more

Talking is easy but listening is hard. Always tap into conversations and be a present listener. You will be able to walk away with a greater sense of understanding and only more information for the next time you need to speak.